Adopt a Tree program

The ‘Adopt a Tree’ program is a partnership between Bayside Council and the community to help boost our tree canopy cover.

Growing our tree canopy will provide cooling, shade and improved air quality. Mature trees provide food and habitat for native birds and wildlife and enhance the appearance of our streets and suburbs. 

Together we can make our suburbs greener and more attractive with increased shade to protect us from the harsh summer sun.

How the program works

Bayside residents are invited to submit a request for a street tree to be planted on their verge.

We will inspect the verge once we receive your application to assess its suitability against the following:

  • Width and depth of verge
  • Location of overhead power lines and underground utilities
  • Soil type and condition
  • Existing tree types in the street
  • Adjacent land (e.g. parks, wetlands)
  • Views and sight lines
  • Locations of solar panels
  • Potential impacts on road traffic signals and signage visibility.

Our Environment and Resilience team will contact you if your area is suitable for further planting.

The native Australian trees selected for street tree planting are best suited to our local environment and more likely to survive in a warming climate. The trees have been selected as appropriate species to maintain and regenerate urban biodiversity.

Tree care requirements

Registering for the program is your agreement to regularly water the tree while establishing to ensure it survives. The tree will also have a temporary tree tag installed.

It’s important to keep an eye on your new tree and give it a quick watering when you water the garden, or empty recycled washing water on the tree every time you do a load if you prefer.


For more information on the Adopt a Tree program call Customer Service on 1300 581 299 and ask for the Environment and Resilience team or email

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I be home when the tree is planted?

No, adopted trees are planted on the verge and require no assistance or permission to access and install. We cannot provide a specific date and time for planting once scheduled, but you will see a mark on the verge where the tree will be planted.

Will I need to water my tree?

Yes, we recommend you give the tree two to three buckets of water per week for at least the first year of its life.

Will I need to prune my tree?

Our team will organise pruning of the new tree as part of a planned maintenance schedule, but we encourage you to also prune the tree when possible. Contact the Environment and Resilience Team if you believe your adopted tree needs a prune, and we will arrange to have someone come and prune your tree.

Can I adopt a tree if I am part of a strata?

Yes, you just need to get support from your neighbours and signed approval by the person who will be watering the tree before we can plant.

Can I adopt a tree if I am not the property owner

Yes, you just need signed approval by both the person who will be watering the new tree and the property owner before we can plant. 

What should I do if the tree looks unwell?

Contact the Environment and Resilience Team and we will inspect the tree. 

What should I do if my tree is vandalised?

Contact the Environment and Resilience Team and we will inspect the tree and replace it if necessary.

Can I adopt more than one tree on the verge?

Yes, but we will assess the location and determine if there is enough space for multiple trees. We will advise you once the verge has been assessed.

Why might the verge be unsuitable for a tree?

Several factors are taken into consideration to ensure that each tree will thrive and grow, including overhead power lines and underground utilities, existing vegetation, proximity of driveways, power poles, and substations. We are not currently planting in fully paved or concreted verges.