You can make payments, apply for Council certificates, or report issues online. See other online services below.
Report a missed bin service, damaged or stolen bin, or illegal dumping
Register a pet (NSW Pet Registry).
You can also email us on council@bayside.nsw.gov.au for non-urgent matters.
You can reach us 24 hours, 7 days a week by calling 1300 581 299.
Our 1300 line remains open over public holiday periods and will divert to our after hours and public holidays centre.
Call our service centres between 8:30am - 5:30pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays) to make a payment over the phone. You can also complete transactions any time using our online services.
Public holiday hours: Council will be closed on Monday 27 January 2025 due to the Australia Day public holiday.
Our customer service centres are open 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Ground floor of Westfield Eastgardens
152 Bunnerong Road
Eastgardens NSW 2036
444-446 Princes Highway
Rockdale NSW 2216
We are committed to receiving and resolving complaints to continually improve customer experience, our services and community satisfaction. A complaint can be submitted online, over the phone or email.
Our Complaint Management Policy provides Council, staff and the community a clear structure for managing complaints. The Policy is supported by the Complaint Management Guideline which outlines what is and what is not a complaint, and the processes and responsibilities in complaint management.
• Complaint Management Policy
• Complaint Management Guidelines
Our Customer Experience Strategy 2023-2027 sets out the strategic direction to ensure that we provide the services and standards our customers need and expect now and into the future.