
Stay informed and updated on the latest news.


Youth Advisory Group EOI

Expressions of Interest are now open for young people wanting to join Bayside Council’s Youth Advisory Group (YAG) and provide advice on issues relevant to local youth in Bayside.

Bayside Waste Service Calendars

Waste Service calendars have now been delivered to Bayside residents, reflecting Council’s new waste collection schedule.

Council Seeks to Extend Safer Cities Program

Council has resolved to write to the NSW Transport Minister and ask for an extension of funding for the successful Safer Cities: Her Ways program.

Grow It Local Autumn Seed Service

Bayside residents who join Grow It Local before Sunday 23 March will be eligible to receive a free autumn vegetable seed pack and expert advice on improving your home-grown produce.

Fairy Lights for Ramsgate Beach Shops

Bayside Council is considering installing a permanent fairy light display at the Ramsgate Beach shops to improve safety and create a more inviting environment for the public following a decision at last month’s Council Meeting.

Town Hall Meetings For Bayside

Bayside Council is set to hold annual Town Hall meetings at Rockdale and Botany Town Halls to give residents the opportunity to hear more about Council’s upcoming plans and projects.

IWD Bicycle Workshop Success

Bayside Council’s free International Women’s Day Bicycle Workshop at the Fix It Sisters Shed on Saturday 8 March was a popular success.

Bayside Film Club

This month the Bayside Film Club is hosting a free screening of Maudie in the Rockdale Library.

Food Preservation and Pickling Workshop

Bayside Council is hosting a free hands-on Food Preservation and Pickling Workshop at The Arncliffe Youth Centre on Saturday 29 March from 10am – 12 noon.

IWD Exhibition and Ceramics Market Success

Bayside Council’s free International Women’s Day Hand Made Exhibition and Ceramics Market attracted 300 visitors to the Botany Town Hall on Saturday 8 March.