Bayside Local Planning Panel

The Bayside Local Planning Panel (BLPP) makes decisions on submitted development applications, and reviews and makes recommendations to Council about Planning Proposals.

The BLPP considers Planning Proposals of any scale and value, and determines Development Applications, including Modification and s.8.2 Applications, that fit any of the following criteria: 

  • Valued at less than $30m 
  • Potential for conflict of interest 
  • Sensitive or contentious development 
  • Substantial departure from development standards imposed by an environmental planning instrument.

How a Local Planning Panel works

Sydney councils must have an Independent Hearing Assessment Panel (IHAP) under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. Our panel is called the Bayside Local Planning Panel.

The NSW Government’s Minister for Planning and Public Spaces determines which developments are referred to the BLPP. 

The BLPP reviews about 95 development applications from the approximate 600 received each year. Applications that are not considered by the BLPP are managed by staff under delegated authority, or by the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel with a value more than $30m.

BLPP determinations are made independently, consistent with the Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plans that are adopted by Council.

Referral criteria for development applications and planning proposals are set by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, and can be viewed on the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure’s website

Panel members follow a code of conduct as well as operational procedures that govern how the Panel operates, and allows for the Panel to determine some applications outside of a public meeting. 

Panel members

The BLPP Chair is Paul Vergotis. Sue Francis and Grant Christmas are alternates if the Chair is unavailable.

BLPP meetings include the Chair, two independent expert members and a community representative. 

The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces approved the independent expert chairs for councils to appoint. Councils also establish a local pool of expert members, selected by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.

Councils recruit and appoint community representatives to the panel. Councillors, property developers and real estate agents are ineligible to be Panel members.


The BLPP meets from 6pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. Times may change depending on the applications to be considered, and additional meetings may be held if required.

Panel meetings are held in person at Botany Town Hall and public meetings are streamed live on our YouTube channel.

All public meeting recordings are saved for 3 months.

Upcoming meetings: 

11 February25 February11 March25 March
8 April22 April13 May27 May
10 June24 June8 July22 July
12 August26 August9 September23 September
14 October28 October11 November25 November
9 December

Addressing the meeting

You can address a matter on the agenda by completing a Request to Speak application before 5pm Friday before the closest meeting.

Written submissions are provided to BLPP members before the meeting. You may also speak at the meeting where you can address the panel for three (3) minutes on each item.

Read the Guidelines for addressing the Bayside Local Planning Panel before submitting your Request to Speak. 

Agendas and Minutes

View agendas and minutes