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Waste Services
Bayside has a number of waste services available to residents including general waste, recycling & garden organics bin services, scheduled and additional clean up services, medical sharps drop offs and community recycling drop off events.
Waste Requests & Reports
Residents can make a report or request easily through our Waste App here.
Collection Information
All Bayside residents have access to a general waste, recycling and garden organics service.
The collection dates for your property are available to view on Council’s Waste App or on the Clean Up, Waste & Recycling Calendar delivered in the mail to residents.
Information about specific services, including what to put in each bin, can be found here.
Clean Up Services
Bayside residents receive four scheduled clean up collections each year. These collection dates are available on Council’s Waste App or on the Clean Up, Waste & Recycling Calendar delivered in the mail to residents.
More information about clean up services is available here.
Illegal Dumping & Littering
Council takes illegal dumping & littering seriously and utilises CCTV cameras to prevent instances of dumping and littering.
Bayside has over 950 community bins in public places throughout the LGA to minimise littering, introducing more during summer periods when foot traffic increases on our beachfront area.
Residents can report illegal dumping or littering to Council here or by calling 1300 581 299.
Medical Sharps
To enable residents to safely manage their medical sharps Bayside Council has a free disposal program.
Please ensure that all sharps are secured in an appropriate container (i.e. sharps bin container) before taking them to one of the participating pharmacies. They will accept medical waste such as syringes, needles, insulin pen needles and blood glucose lancets.
Find out where medical sharps are accepted here.
Recycling Drop Off Events
If you have unwanted items in a usable condition, we encourage you to consider selling, giving away or donating them. If items are no longer usable, Bayside offers 22 events throughout the year for all Bayside residents to drop off items for recycling.
Find out more about these events here.
Download the Bayside Waste Services app
Waste Services Guide
The Bayside Council Waste Services Guide is available here.
Facilities Near You
Find your nearest:
- Recycling centre
- Sustainable living centre
- Sharps disposal
- e-waste collection
- Waste recovery centre
Find a facility near you here.