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Citizen of the Year 2025
Each year, we recognise the achievements and contributions of an everyday Bayside resident who has done something exceptional to change a life, help a community, promote a good cause or run a campaign to get something done.
That special person may be a charity worker, volunteer or simply a caring neighbour. A local ‘hero’ who has made a difference.
We ask the community to nominate someone who has done something extraordinary in our community by nominating them as 'Citizen of the Year', 'Young Citizen of the Year', or 'Sportsperson of the Year'. It is a great way to say thank you.
2025 Citizen of the Year Winners

Citizen of the Year: Fred Poole
Fred Poole has been recognised for his work as President of the Bayside Men's Shed at Kyeemagh, where he leads projects that benefit the local community.
Sportsperson of the Year: Jessica Henville
Jessica Henville has been recognised for her achievements and volunteer work in Surf Life Saving, touch football and netball. She has been selected to represent NSW in touch football at the highest level, and referees and coaches touch football.
Young Citizen of the Year: Princess Delany
Princess Delany has been recognised for her community work with the Salvation Army and her involvement in NSW Youth Parliament Program.
About the awards
The 'Citizen of the year' and 'Young Citizen of the year' awards recognise the exceptional contributions made by an individual to the local community in the areas of:
- community services
- charitable work
- education/school development
- environment
- arts and culture
- employment
- humanitarian work
- initiatives that enhance the quality of life for Bayside residents.
The 'Sportsperson of the Year' awards recognise the achievements of:
- an outstanding sportsperson who has excelled in their chosen sport, either as an individual or part of a team
- someone who has had a positive impact, or made an outstanding contribution, through their work for a sporting organisation or team.
The nominee may be an athlete, coach, official, administrator or volunteer.
More information
Where to send your nomination
Nominations can be emailed to council@bayside.nsw.gov.au, handwritten nominations must be sent to: Bayside Council, PO Box 21, Rockdale NSW 2216.
Nomations for 2025 are now closed.
How the awards are judged
This nomination form is circulated to the Selection Panel for consideration and they make a recommendation to Bayside Council.
The award must be for work performed principally within the Bayside LGA.
Guidelines - Citizen and Young Citizen of the year
- The nominee must be nominated by an individual or organisation.The nominee must be an Australian Citizen and live within the Bayside Council LGA. Proof of Citizenship is required.
- Nominees for Young Citizen of the Year should be aged between 13 years to 24 years as at 26 January 2025. Younger nominees may be considered at the discretion of the selection panel if they believe the nomination meets all the criteria.
- The nomination must detail the achievements and background of the nominee and state the reason/s for the nomination.
- The nominee’s contribution must focus on their achievements within the Bayside LGA. (However, their work or contribution outside the area will also be given consideration).
- The nominee should be held in high regard in the community or their field of work and by their peers.
- The nomination must be supported by at least one, or more, referees who are not the nominator. The Committee reserve the right to contact each referees to verify any information or seek further comments.
- The Committee will Award one person the honour of Citizen of the Year and one person Young Citizen of the Year. Recipients will be known as the ‘Bayside Citizen of the Year’ and the ‘Bayside Young Citizen of the Year’. The Committee reserves the right in exceptional circumstances to award more than one award, or no award if appropriate.The Committees recommendation once adopted by Council is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- All nomination information and material submitted remains the property of Bayside Council.
- The following people are not eligible for nomination:
- Current employees of Bayside Council, their spouses, defacto partners or relatives.
- ‘Relative’ is someone related by birth or marriage. Bayside Councillors, Federal or State politicians, their spouses, defacto partners or relatives. ‘Relative’ is someone related by birth or marriage.
- Anyone who has previously held the title Bayside Citizen of the Year or Bayside Young Citizen of the Year.
Guidelines - Sportsperson of the year
- The nominee must be nominated by an individual or organisation.
- The nominee must be an Australian Citizen and should be a resident living within Bayside LGA. However the selection panel reserve the right to consider nominations for a person/s who volunteer or work for a club within the Bayside LGA but who do not live within the LGA if they deem their contribution to the Bayside community significant. Proof of Citizenship is required.
- The nominee must live within the Bayside LGA or represent a local sporting team, group or organisation located within the Bayside LGA
- The nomination must detail the achievements and background of the nominee and state the reason/s for the nomination. This may include:
- outstanding achievement in the nominated sport (history as well as recent achievements)
- outstanding leadership skills and sportsmanship
- outstanding ethical and community values
- exceptional service to an organisation or a team.
- All nomination information and material submitted remains the property of Bayside Council.
- The nomination must be supported by at least one, or more, referees who are not the nominator.
- The nominee must not have received this award previously
- Only one award is given and the recipient will be known as the 'Bayside Sportsperson of the Year'. The Committee reserves the right in exceptional circumstances to award more than one award, or no award if appropriate.
- The following people are not eligible for nomination:
- Current employees of Bayside Council, their spouses, defacto partners or relatives. ‘Relative’ is someone related by birth or marriage
- Bayside Councillors, Federal or State politicians, their spouses, defacto partners or relatives. ‘Relative’ is someone related by birth or marriage
- Anyone who has previously held the title Bayside Citizen of the Year or Bayside Young Citizen of the Year