Ron Rathbone Local History Competition - Open Category

The Ron Rathbone Local History Competition encourages people to explore Bayside’s rich, diverse and vibrant history.

Submissions for the 2025 Open Category are now open, with a Prize Pool of $7,000, including $5,000 for the Winner

In 2025, we have introduced an optional theme to focus on the role of women during WWI and/or WWII.

Bayside Council welcome studies and stories on the contribution of women from WWI though to the WWII period, both in the military and/or volunteer organisations as it relates to the Bayside local area. Entrants are welcome to write on a specific person, organisation or place so long as it is connected to the Bayside area. It could be a woman who was born in the area, or lived here during the wars, a woman who worked for the war effort locally, or it could look at contributions women made that impacted our area.

Alongside this special theme, you can also submit a paper on any topic that relates to the Bayside area.

Please carefully read the Guidelines and Conditions of Entry to ensure you submit an eligible paper. You can also see more information, including judging criteria here.

Entries close 5pm, Thursday 17 July 2025.

Do you give permission to make your entry available on Bayside Council's online platforms?
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.


  • I have read the Ron Rathbone Local History Competition Guidelines, and I agree to abide by the conditions of entry.
  • The research work submitted is my own work
  • I understand that while I retain copyright of my own work, a copy of my work may be placed in the Local History Collection of Bayside Library Service.
  • The winners’ names and the titles of their works may be published in media sources as it is an open competition with a public award ceremony.
Check the box to confirm the details in the above declaration.