Ron Rathbone Local History Competition - High School Category

The Ron Rathbone Local History Competition encourages people to explore Bayside’s rich, diverse and vibrant history.

Submissions for the 2025 High School Category are now open, with a prize pool of $2,000 on offer.

Essay Topics

Students are invited to submit an essay based on one of two options:

Option One
An essay answering the question: "Explore some of the different ways women contributed to Australia's war efforts during World War I and/or World War II, in the military and/or in volunteer organisations." 
Please relate the question to the Bayside LGA. Personal connections and stories are welcome to build on the essay.


Option Two
An essay on a subject or topic chosen by the student that explores an aspect of Bayside’s local history. Suitable topics include Bayside residents, places, organisations, or events of historical significance in the Bayside Council area. 

Please carefully read the Guidelines and Conditions of Entry to ensure you submit an eligible paper. You can also see further information, including judging criteria here.

Entries close 5pm, Thursday 17 July 2025.


Student's Details

Parent / Guardian / Teacher Details

Do you give permission to make your entry available on Bayside Council's online platforms?
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.

Parent / Guardian / Teacher Declaration

  • I have read the Ron Rathbone Local History Competition Guidelines and I agree to abide by the conditions of entry.
  • The entry submitted is the student’s own work.
  • I understand a copy of the work may be placed in the Local History Collection of Bayside Library Service and on Bayside Council’s online platforms.
  • Winner details may be published in media sources subject to the approval by the entrant / parent / guardian / teacher.
Check the box to confirm the details in the above declaration.