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Local heritage grants
If you have recently completed work on a listed heritage building, you may be eligible for a Local Heritage Grant of up to $3,000.
We know that heritage buildings can require extra maintenance and work to help conserve their character and historical identity.
That's why we have introduced the Local Heritage Grant Program, which provides up to $3,000 to conserve and restore heritage buildings for current and future generations to understand and appreciate.
Grants are awarded in arrears. You must be able to provide evidence that you have already spent the amount that you are seeking in your grant application.
To be eligible for a grant:
your building must be listed in schedule 5 of the Bayside Local Environment Plan 2021
the works must have been completed in the past 12 months
you have sought and received all necessary approvals for the work including, where necessary, a heritage exemption or Development Application
you have not applied for a grant for the same property in the current year.
Eligible types of work include the following minor external works:
tuck-pointing/repointing of brickwork
external painting in traditional heritage colour schemes
reconstruction of original elements such as roof and timber trimmings, windows, verandahs, front fences, etc
restoration/repair of original windows and other elements
repair of tessellated floor tiles (where visually prominent).
What you'll need
You application must include:
Letter of approval or a heritage exemption
justification for funding with reference to the Assessment Criteria (approximately 300 words)
plans, or sketches to indicate the extent of works if applicable
before and after photographs
tax invoices and receipts for the work
demonstration that the works represent good conservation practice
if relevant, a conservation management plan.
Please consider our assessment criteria when preparing your justification.
When we assess your application, we will consider:
the property is an identified heritage item within Bayside LGA under Schedule 5 of Bayside Local Environmental Plan 2021
the project is sympathetic repairs of historic built fabric
the works are to reinstate previously lost architectural features
the project enhances public amenity and is highly visible to the public
the project is for a place of high public accessibility e.g. work to a church
the work is to be undertaken by a non-profit organisation, community group or church
work has been carried out in accordance with good conservation practice, preferably by tradespersons experienced in conservation work
The project is of demonstrated value to the community, e.g. the restoration of an important local heritage house
the project meets other major strategic objectives and complement broader conservation objectives, e.g. projects which implement key findings of heritage studies or projects
the applicant has demonstrated that they have the necessary finance to undertake the approved works
the applicants have lodged a valid application form with all necessary background information for Council to process the application
Council is satisfied that the proposal will positively contribute to the heritage significance of the building or place.
How to apply
For more information about eligibility, the application process, and the assessment criteria please refer to the Local Heritage Grant Policy.
If you need assistance please contact Council's Heritage Advisor on Mondays and Fridays on 1300 581 299.