Grants and Donations

We support our community by providing financial assistance to not-for-profit organisations, recreation and sporting groups, clubs, services, and individuals.

Grants are awarded to local organisations who provide services and activities that contribute to our vision and priorities as outlined in the Community Grants and Donations Policy, and Community Strategic Plan.

Our funding levels provide financial opportunities for projects that benefit the local community. The following grants are available to support local organisations in 2024:

  • Community Grants which include:
    • Small grants for purchase of equipment, special activities, or information resources.
    • Seeding grants to help create innovative programs addressing the social, cultural, artistic, or leisure needs of the community.
  • Student Excellence Awards – an automatic donation to primary and secondary schools in recognition of excellence in young people.
  • Donations are one off assistance to individuals, or not for profit community organisations which fall under several categories:
    • Youth Representation – supporting the development of uniquely talented youth.
    • Seniors Groups – Bayside senior’s groups with a membership of 75% may be eligible for an annual donation.
  • General Donations - a general donation where the request does not meet the criteria for other categories.
  • Fee waivers of 50% of the fee for use of Council operated venues and facilities.

See our detailed fund listing in the Community Grants and Donation Policy for more information.

Community Grants

Community Grants are currently closed. Information on the next opening date will be coming soon.

2024 Community Grant Recipients

Seeding Grants: Up To $5,000.00


Program Description


Moore Park South East Cricket Association

Booralee Big Bash targeting women and local Aboriginal people’s wellbeing


Advance Diversity Services

Six week partnership with Fix It Sisters to trial a multicultural women’s shed program


Australian Macedonian Welfare and Wellbeing NSW

Information and support sessions for Bayside Macedonian, Serbian, Croation and Bosnian seniors


Australian Performance Exchange

Development of an arts walk in Daceyville to celebrate its history and activate various public spaces


Shopfront Arts Co-op / Playwave

Extend existing Playwave program to incorporate young Bayside creatives as Ambassadors to enhance participation from marginalised young people


Sydney Multicultural Community Services

Art therapy program aimed at marginalised, vulnerable new migrant and refugee women in Bayside


The Deli Women and Children’s Centre

Child wellbeing program for children impacted by domestic and family violence


Total Seeding Grants




Small Grants: Up To $2,000.00


Program Description


Botany Bay Community Church

Foodshare distribution weekly program in Banksmeadow to provide essential fruit and vegetables to those in need


Bayside Women’s Shelter

Purchase laptop to support additional community activities around domestic and family violence prevention


Rockdale Rugby Club

Purchase of tackle mats to cater for extra women and girls who have joined the club


Lever Street Community Garden

Develop a children’s garden bed and programming for children to garden with their parents to increase eco-awareness


Brighton Seagulls Junior Rugby League Football Club

Purchase a set of four pads to attach to rugby goal posts to improve player safety


Cultural Forum Inc

Annual Australian-Lebanese HSC high achievers event to celebrate high achieving students


Kogarah Community Services

Purchase equipment to run training for parents on infant massage


Gabbie’s Sewing Angels

Purchase additional overlockers to improve efficiency of garment production


PCYC Eastern Suburbs

Purchase additional equipment for boxing to support vulnerable young people who have recently joined the program


Gladstone Street Community Garden

Improve garden beds, purchase soil and a new BBQ for community garden functions


Rock and Wool

Wool purchase for knitting group of socially isolated older women in Bayside


South Eastern Community Connect

Purchase equipment and activities to support the weekly youth drop-in program at Mascot


St. George North Anglican Church

Purchase of a new refrigerator to support youth, children’s and women’s programming


The Scout Association of Australia (NSW Branch)

Purchase blockout curtains for Kinsgrove Hall to help keep the building cool in summer.

NB: As this hall is owned by Council the curtains will remain the property of Bayside Council


Botany District Music Association

Purchase new music scores, and produce advertising flyers and other promotional material


Project Kindness Inc

Purchase of warm winter essentials for those in need


South Sydney Mount Carmel Cricket Club Inc

Purchase of sun protection (hats) and regulation game balls


Carlton School of Arts and Literary Institute

Purchase sound speaker to increase usage of the venue


Total Small Grants



Total Community Grants




Community grants information sessions

Details about information sessions will be provided when Community Grants are open for applications.

Success Story - Advance Diversity Services

Grant application writing is a busy but essential part of the work we do at Advance Diversity Services.

Our tight knit team were grateful that Baysides Community Grants and Donations team were available and ready to assist us through the process, helping us manage our application to give us the best opportunity for success.

A priority for Advance Diversity Services is to build and champion service and community inclusion for the diverse clients that live and use services in our local community. 'Be You with Us - You Belong, We all Belong' underpins our service philosophy. 
We regularly receive information about the Council's Community Grant Program. With this in mind, we saw an opportunity to apply for a small seeding grant to engage and support LGBTIQA older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 
We were successful and thanks to council funding we were able to implement the Artful Pride Project, which is a 10 week art program providing group art classes, opportunities to connect with others, and information about LGBTIQA support services.  

The project hosted a public exhibition of the artwork created by participants to promote the messages of LBTIQA inclusion at a community level. 

Thanh Nguyen, Business Development and Quality, Advance Diversity Services

How to apply

You must register on SmartyGrants before applying for a Community Grant. Existing accounts can be used to submit your application.

Writing a work plan or timeline will help you achieve a successful project and is a great supporting document for your application.

We have developed resources to help you write a plan for your project that will help with the grant application:

Donations and fee waivers are available year-round so applications can be submitted at any time using the following forms:

Applications for donations are considered on their merit and assessed in accordance with Council’s Community Grants and Donation Policy.

Eligibility criteria

An applicant must meet the following criteria to qualify for funding:

  • Not-for-profit community organisations and unincorporated community groups (not-for-profit only, patronage or support required).
  • Applications must demonstrate they service a significant proportion of the Bayside community
  • Applications must align with Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2032
  • Applicants must submit an acquittal for any previous grant funding before they can apply for another grant.


Community Grants applications submitted after the deadline are automatically excluded. We only consider applications that are submitted on time and with all required documentation.

Other exclusions that may apply are detailed in the Community Grants and Donation Policy.

Application help

Download the help guide for assistance or troubleshooting when applying for a grant through SmartyGrants

Technical issues that can’t be resolved through the guide should be directed to the SmartyGrants helpdesk on 03 9320 6888, or email

For questions about the donations and fee waivers process, call our Grant and Donations officer on 9366 3684, or email


ClubGRANTS are an initiative of the NSW Government and Clubs NSW to provide funding for community projects and services that have a direct impact on local communities.

Charities, sporting organisations and not-for-profit community groups are among tens-of-thousands of worthy causes funded through the program each year.

ClubGRANTS are funded by a gaming machine tax rebate. Council does not financially contribute to the program but assists the local ClubGRANTS Committee by administering the application process.

Local non-profit community groups and organisations can apply for funding under the following Category 1 subcategories, specifically support projects for:

  • Specific community welfare and social services 
  • Community development projects, activities or events 
  • Health services and employment assistance activities 
  • Projects aimed at improving the living standards of low income and disadvantaged people 
  • The ClubGRANTS Committee only funds Community Development projects that will benefit the local Bayside LGA residents.


2023 ClubGRANTS applications are now closed, but you can check this page regularly for updates on 2024 opening times. 

It's recommended you read the ClubGrants Guidelines before applying. 

Local Clubs participating in the Bayside Local Area Committee for ClubGRANTS are:

  • Ramsgate, Bexley, Brighton, and Kingsgrove RSLs
  • Georges River 16ft Sailing Club
  • Rockdale Tennis Club, Earlwood - Bardwell Park RSL
  • Rowers on Cooks River
  • Graphic Arts Club.

Further information on ClubGRANTS is available on the ClubsNSW website.

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