Community Strategic Plan 2024

Bayside Council is reviewing its Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and is seeking input from residents to share their vision for the future of Bayside that will be used to help determine Council’s future priorities, projects and programs.

The CSP reflects Council’s long-term vision for the future and contains strategies to achieve goals and measures to track progress.

The CSP, produced in collaboration with the community, provides a blueprint for how Council, along with our community, businesses, all levels of government, and non-government partners, will work together to address key challenges and achieve the desired outcomes.

It will guide all Council's plans, policies, and budgets, ensuring a cohesive approach to community goals and vision.

Feedback can be submitted online via Council’s Have Your Say platform.

Paper copies are available from our Customer Service Centres. Accessible options and versions in other languages are also available.

Residents will also be able to provide feedback at pop-up information sessions at Jazz on the Mall on Saturday 21 September, and Migrant Information Day on Wednesday 2 October.

Residents have until Sunday 6 October to provide feedback.

Once Council has gathered all community feedback a draft CSP will be presented to the new Council and will go on public exhibition for 28 days before going back to Council for final endorsement.

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