Council Seeks to Extend Safer Cities Program

Council has resolved to write to the NSW Transport Minister and ask for an extension of funding for the successful Safer Cities: Her Ways program.

In early 2023, Bayside Council received funding from Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for interventions to increase safety for women and girls near transport hubs as part of the program.

Council worked closely with TfNSW and listened to the voices of local women, girls, and gender-diverse people before undertaking this project that improved lighting and safety in Laycock Walk in Mascot and King Street Mall in Rockdale.

Council received a $1 million grant over two years to deliver these pilot projects to trial and test interventions that will help to improve public spaces around transport hubs, such as train stations, to make them feel safer and more welcoming.

Community consultation during the original Safer Cities: Her Ways program revealed other areas that would benefit from an extension of this program if funding can be sourced.


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