Lady Robinsons Foreshore Management Plan

Bayside Council has developed a comprehensive management plan for the 7km of Lady Robinsons Beach that stretches from the Cooks River at Kyeemagh to the Georges River at Sandringham.

The plan divides the foreshore into three zones: Resilient, Restore and Protect with specific management strategies to address the unique challenges of each zone.

The plan also outlines future action for sand nourishment, seawall upgrades and ecological adaptations that will enhance coastal protection and support environmental sustainability.

Council undertook extensive community engagement through public exhibitions, surveys, information sessions and stakeholder consultation while developing this plan to guide foreshore management for the next 50 years. Continued community engagement will be undertaken as the plan progresses.

The Lady Robinsons Foreshore Management Plan is available on Council’s website LINK

Mayor Edward McDougall said

“This comprehensive plan provides Council with a guide to the ongoing management of our foreshore that suffers ongoing coastal erosion due to historical developments. Council is committed to transparent decision-making, and I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this plan through community feedback.”

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