Bayside Council is holding a series of free, community events to celebrate the completion of the innovative Safer Cities: Her Way project at Mascot and Rockdale train stations.

The project delivered new lighting, improved street furniture and public art to help improve perceptions of safety particularly for women, girls and gender diverse people around public spaces and public transport hubs.

Commuters in Laycock Walk will be treated to free canapes and live music from 5pm on Thursday 22 and 29 August. There will also be an opportunity to find out more about the Her Way project and pick up a gift bag from Bayside Council’s information stall.

King Street Mall will come alive with the sounds of Jazz on Saturday 21 September with shops in the area encouraged to stay open later.

Through extensive community consultation with local women, girls, and gender diverse people, Laycock Walk in Mascot and King Street Mall in Rockdale were identified as sites to install gender sensitive lighting, improved street furniture and public art to help make these spaces feel safer and more welcoming.

Safer Cities: Her Way is a collaborative partnership program between Transport for NSW and Council. It aims are to help improve perceptions of safety particularly for women, girls and gender diverse people when travelling to, through and within public spaces and transport hub precincts.

Event Details

‘Canapes for Commuters’ Laycock Walk, Mascot
Free Canapes and live music
Thursday 22 & 29 August from 5pm

‘Jazz on the Mall’ King Street Mall, Rockdale
Live music and food stalls
Saturday 21 September from 4pm – 9pm

More Information

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