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Report a food complaint
We investigate complaints about food poisoning, unhygeinic food handling practices, allergens and other incorrect food handling practices.
How to make a complaint
You can make a food complaint:
by phone: 1300 581 299.
Please supply as much detail as possible, including photos if you have them. This helps us to investigate your complaint quickly and thoroughly.
We investigate every complaint we receive. This sometimes involves conducting an inspection of the premises where the complaint is alleged to have occured.
What we investigate
We will investigate complaints of:
suspected food poisoning
unhygienic or incorrect food handling, storage, transport or preparation
foreign matter in food
allergens not listed in ingredients
allergens served in food when a declaration has been made
We will not investigate complaints where:
they are not about food for sale
we don't have enough information to investigate
they are vengeful or not made in good faith
they are made anonymously.