Find out what approval you need for your project.
Development usually fall into four categories:
These are projects that are usually quite small, with low impact on the environment and surrounds. You do not need our permission to undertake exempt development.
Examples may include:
There are some exceptions. If these apply you may still need to lodge a development application.
We recommend you seek some advice to help you understand if a project is exempt development.
Note, even if your development is exempt you have a responsibility to comply with state environmental policies. More information:
These are projects that are usually larger than exempt developments.
When applying for complying development, you are submitting a single application that covers both planning and development approval. Approval is granted through a fast-track process by a Council certifier or private certifier.
Examples of complying development may include
There are some exceptions. If these apply you may still need to lodge a development application. It is important you obtain a standard 10.7 Certificate (Part 2) from Council to confirm whether you can apply for complying development. If you choose Council as your Certifier, the fee paid for the standard 10.7 Certificate will be reduced from your Complying Development Certificate fees.
We recommend you seek some advice to help you understand if a project is a complying development.
These are projects that have greater impact on the neighbourhood, heritage or environment.
Where a development requires consent, you will need to lodge a Development Application.
Some examples of projects that may require consent include:
We recommend you seek some advice to help you understand if a project requires a development application.
Whether a project is small or large, it may require Development Approval if it: