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Wolli Creek Traffic and Transport Study 2013
This study was prepared to address the growing concerns about traffic congestion as well as the increasing constraints to walking, cycling and public transport opportunities in the precinct.
Wolli Creek Traffic and Transport Study 2013
What is it?
The Wolli Creek and Bonar Street precinct traffic and transport study was initiated to address a number of issues including those associated with increasing traffic pressures in the area, the need to update the Developer Contributions Plan, and other planning documents to ensure Council can implement its vision for the area as a high quality precinct where walking, cycling and public transport are facilitated.
What are the outcomes?
Following extensive traffic studies and internal and external engagement the final report details a number of options including a Preferred Option. The key element of the preferred option consists of a one way circuit with Arncliffe Street being one way south, and Guess Avenue and Mount Olympus Boulevard being one way while Magdalene Terrace maintains a two-way flow.
Other key improvements include upgrades to pedestrian and cycling facilities along the one way circuit and in other key areas such as the Allen Street Underpass and the Guess Avenue Underpass. A Strategic Implementation Plan has been developed as part of the finalisation of the Study.
Download the Wolli Creek and Bonar Street Final Report
Download the Wolli Creek Traffic and Transport Study Strategic Implementation Plan