Planning agreements

About planning agreements

A planning agreement is an agreement under which the developer has agreed to provide or fund public amenities or public services. This can include:

  • Dedication of land
  • Monetary contributions
  • Construction of public infrastructure
  • Provision of materials for public benefit and/or use, or
  • A combination of the above

A planning agreement cannot be entered into, amended or revoked, unless public notice has been given of the proposed agreement, amendment or revocation and a copy of the proposed agreement, amendment or revocation has been available for inspection by the public for a period of not less than 28 days.

Bayside Council Planning Agreement Policy 2022

Bayside Council has adopted the Bayside Council Planning Agreement Policy 2022, which should be used in association with planning agreements to which the Council is a party.

The objectives of the Bayside Council Planning Agreement Policy are:

  • To establish Council’s policy on the use of planning agreements
  • To provide a clear and transparent framework for the Council’s use of planning agreements
  • To ensure the negotiation, preparation, and implementation of planning agreements occurs in an open, fair, consistent, and accountable manner
  • To establish a probity framework for the negotiation, preparation, and implementation of planning agreements
  • To facilitate flexibility in the provision of required infrastructure for Bayside’s growing and changing community.

Planning agreements register