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Placement of scaffolding, hoarding and fencing application
You require approval from Bayside Council if you plan to erect a temporary structure in a public place to enclose a work area, which includes scaffolding, hoarding or temporary fencing.
See Types of temporary structures for the different temporary structures we can approve.
We regulate and control temporary structures to:
- Minimise obstructions and inconvenience for pedestrian and path users
- Ensure safe passage with well maintained walking surfaces past worksites.
Types of temporary structures
One of the following temporary structures must be selected in your application.
- Type A hoardings/site fencing – a wire or wooden ply-sheet fence/structure, usually minimum 2.0m height
- Type A hoarding with scaffolding on a public road or footpath - must be protected at street level by a Type A hoarding fence, which is often attached to the scaffolding frame. Barriers must be provided to protect the temporary structure from vehicle impacts, if the footpath is narrow and scaffolding needs be placed partly on the roadway or cannot be set back at least 300mm from the kerb. Alternative pedestrian pathways past the work site must also be provided.
- Type B hoardings - a more substantial structure that spans a footpath or roadway and affords overhead protection to the public
- Type B hoarding with scaffolding/site sheds on deck – site sheds and scaffolding may be permitted on the deck of Type B hoardings where site constraints don’t permit placement elsewhere on the site.
Supporting documentation
We require lodgement of all plans and supporting documentation in digital form as PDF documents. Check the Lodgement Guidelines for Engineering Applications
- General Arrangement Plan – Site plan showing all temporary structures (hoarding, scaffolding, fencing) superimposed over Council assets (footpath, street trees, power poles, signage).
- Hoarding Structural Drawings – drawings including elevations and sections prepared by a qualified Structural Engineer.
- Traffic Management Plan – A plan (prepared by TfNSW accredited person) that indicates details of installation, operational and removal phases. It must be in compliance with TfNSW Traffic Control at Work Sites Manual Guidelines – AS1742.3 and Work Cover NSW regulations.
- Structural Engineer’s Certificate – A certificate issued by a Professional Engineer, holding registration on the National Engineer’s Register (NER) in the appropriate category of registration, e.g., Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, etc.
- Certificate of Currency – A Certificate of Currency must identify the proposed permit holder as the insured party, with the value of Public Liability Insurance being no less than $20,000,000. The Certificate of Currency must have an expiry date at least three (3) months later than the finish date for the proposed work activity.
Apply online
Press the Apply online button to start the application process, you will be asked to make a payment to complete lodgement.
Payments made by MasterCard or Visa incur a service fee of 0.5%.
Apply in person
Download and print the application form, and lodge when completed to any of our Customer Service Centres
Fees and charges
Payments made by MasterCard or Visa incur a service fee of 0.5%.
A non-refundable application fee is required at submission.
Your application fee must be paid in full before the assessment will commence.
We will advise of remaining fees during review and assessment of the application. Payment will be required prior to any approval. See our Fees and Charges.
Fees to be paid at lodgement (per application).
Application fee | $327.00 | Per application |
Fees to be paid after lodgement.
A Class – occupation fee* | $47.00 | Per lineal metre frontage per month or part thereof |
B Class – Type A and Type B (no sheds but may include scaffolding) - occupation fee* |
$47.00 | Per lineal metre frontage per month or part thereof |
B Class – Type B hoarding (with sheds) - occupation fee* |
$92.50 | Per Lineal metre frontage per month of part thereof |
Type B Hoarding – security deposit (for hoardings not associated with a DA or CDC) |
$570.00 | Per lineal metre frontage refundable at completion. |
*Occupation fee is per lineal metre frontage per month or part thereof |
After lodgement
Once your application is received you may be contacted for further information.
Your application is not a permit to undertake work. Your permit will only be issued after assessment, approval and outstanding fees are paid in full.
A minimum period of 10 working days is required to assess the application. Longer processing times are required for large works or for activities on Classified roads, which require the concurrence from relevant stakeholders.
If you have any questions, contact on 1300 581 299 Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 5pm