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Council clean-up calendar
Bayside Council schedules four (4) free clean-up collections every year so you can easily dispose bulky waste items that don’t easily fit in kerbside bins, helping to prevent illegal dumping and waste disposal that could affect the environment.
Our clean-ups zones begin at 6am on the days shown in our Collection Calendar, and it can take up to five (5) business days before your waste is collected, weather and resources permitting.
Clean-up Dos
Ensure your materials isn’t missed by placing it on the outer edge of the nature strip no earlier than the Saturday, or later than the Sunday evening before the scheduled collection date.
Any accepted material placed on the verge outside of this timeframe will be treated as illegally dumped and can lead to fines.
Each household has a collection limit of 3 cubic metres, which is about the size of one box trailer. We recommend placing the rubbish you want collected in a neat box shape, in a way that it can be safely lifted by two people.
Mattresses, white goods, metals, and e-waste are collected by different methods, so making separate piles of each material will assist with a more efficient collection service.
Materials we accept are:
- General household items, furniture, white goods (detach doors, de-gas refrigerants)
- Mattresses (maximum two (2) per clean-up)
- Green waste, bundled, tied and bagged with spikes removed
- Small amounts of carpet and textiles
- Fence palings
- Doors with locks and hinges removed.
Visit the Clean-up services page for more information on what to do on clean-up days.
Clean-up Don'ts
Incorrectly placing your rubbish will be treated as illegal dumping which can lead to fines.
Waste materials that are incorrectly placed, larger than 3 cubic metres, or have unacceptable items, may be treated as illegal, non-compliant or as hazardous dumping which can lead to fines.
Avoid the following clean-up mistakes to ensure your rubbish is efficiently collected:
- Remove all batteries from discarded appliances or toys
- Don’t place materials in rear lane ways, gutters, or public garden islands.
- Don’t block pedestrian or vehicle access to the sidewalk, road, or your driveway
- Don’t place material on the verge after your street has been cleared
- Don’t place fibro or asbestos materials.
Visit the Clean-up services page for more materials we don’t accept.
Calendar fridge magnet
We provide residents with a Clean Up, Waste and Recycling Calendar fridge magnet at the start of each calendar year.
Contact our Customer Service Centres on 1300 581 299 if you haven't received the magnet and would like a print version sent to you.