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Temporary Dewatering Permit guidelines
You must submit a Dewatering Management Plan (DMP) to apply for a Temporary Dewatering Permit (TDP), which allows for discharging pumped water into Bayside Council’s stormwater system.
The DMP must be prepared by a qualified Water Quality Scientist, or any appropriately qualified person acceptable to Bayside Council, and must address the following:
- Site location and reasons for dewatering
- Footprint area to be dewatered
- Anticipated dewatering flow rate
- Expected dewatering duration
- The point of discharge into Bayside Council’s storm water system, including the layout of discharge line
- Dewatering techniques proposed
- Controls to manage water quality and method of effluent discharge
- Measures and techniques to manage noise, vibration, odour, etc
- Measures and techniques to manage geotechnical stability issues
- Contingency plan(s) in case of an emergency
- Monitoring program to ensure the treated discharge (if required) complies with Australian & New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh & Marine Water Quality requirements
- Strategy for managing any impacts during and after the completion of the project
- Summary of recommendations made and implementation methods, ensuring compliance will be included with the DMP
- The nominated proponent’s name, address and position will be detailed within the DMP. Proponents are responsible for legislative compliance and accountability for ensuring the discharge water quality complies with the above requirements
- Contact details for a site representative who can respond to routine and emergency calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year, must be in the DMP