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Submit a Waste & Recycling Request
Report a missed collection, damaged bin, illegal dumping or overflowing public bins
Report an issue
The fastest and easiest way to report a waste issue is to submit an online form. You can do this for:
missed bin collection
missed clean up collection
damaged or stolen bin
new bin application
overflowing public place community bins
illegal dumping or litter
general waste request.
For other issues please call us on 1300 581 299.
Download our waste and recycling app
The easiest way to keep track of your collection day and report a waste issue is to download the Bayside Waste Services app:
You can use the Bayside Waste Services app to:
set reminders for your bin collection day
report an issue or request a service
find your nearest waste and recycling facility
learn more about waste and recycling in Bayside.