Princes Highway Corridor Strategy 2013

This is a planning document that sets the vision and strategic priorities to revitalise the Princes Highway corridor between the centres of Rockdale and Wolli Creek.

Princes Highway Corridor Strategy 2013

Where is the Princes Highway Corridor?

The Princes Highway Corridor between Rockdale and Wolli Creek is a highly attractive location for people wishing to live, work and locate business in proximity of the CBD, being only 10km away from the city of Sydney.

The study area is uniquely serviced by parallel infrastructure of the Princes Highway and the Illawarra railway line, with two stations providing access to Banksia and Arncliffe centres.

What is the Situation?

The Princes Highway Corridor lacks coherency of character, being home to a mix of buildings and a wide range of land uses. The area is also constrained by airport noise as well as height limitations. It also floods in low lying areas, making feasible redevelopment of sites (particularly in the Banksia precinct) difficult to achieve.

Whilst these constraints will always exist, the Highway Corridor and the centres of Banksia and Arncliffe have significant potential to develop as both a revitalised employment corridor, and a vibrant residential precinct. The highway frontage offers great exposure for business uses, supported by its proximity to rail services which provides ample opportunity for accessible residential development in the area.

What is the Strategy?

The Princes Highway Corridor Strategy 2013 was developed using land use, planning and economic analysis, 3D development modelling, case study research and consultation with community and state government stakeholders. As a result of this project work the key features of the vision are:

  • To grow Arncliffe as a residential precinct; and,
  • To revitalise the corridor along the highway for employment uses.

The purpose of the Strategy is to:

  • Identify and understand the existing conditions of the Corridor – including the built form and environmental characteristics, broader physical and strategic context, and economic and market conditions;
  • Present a vision for the desired future character of the area;
  • Identify and outline an implementation strategy to achieve the desired future character; and
  • Understand and incorporate the opinions and values of all stakeholders

Strategy Documents

Princes Highway Corridor Strategy 2013