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Lodging your application
We accept applications online through the NSW Planning Portal.
Before you submit your application
Please ensure you prepare your plans and complete your forms before you start your application:
We may reject your application if it doesn't contain all of the required information.
Contact us if you are unsure which forms you need to complete.
Your application, including your plans and forms, must be lodged through the NSW Planning Portal.
You will need to create a NSW Planning Portal or MySeviceNSW account. There is a service fee to be paid to the Department of Planning & Industry & Environment when lodging your application using the NSW Planning Portal and the cost will vary depending on the type of application.
Note, you may wish to apply for a construction certificate at the same time. This can save you time later.
You must pay your application fee to complete your application.The development application fee is based on the estimated cost of works.
Contact us for more information and a quote. To give you a quote we will ask you for:
- the address of the property
- a brief description of works proposed
- the estimated cost of work (including GST)
- the number of street frontages
- details of any trees on the site / within 5 metres of the property.
You may also be required to pay a:
- tree inspection fee
- neighbour notification fee
- newspaper advertising fee
- subdivision fee
- footpath inspection fee.
An additional fee will be required if:
- the development is integrated or designated development
- you amend your plans after lodgement.
After we make a decision on your development application, there may be other fees that apply:
- Long service levy: This is a levy on building and construction work that cost $250,000 and above (including GST). The levy is paid by the owners of a building or construction project into a fund administered by the Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Corporation.
- Footpath crossing deposit: You must pay a deposit if your development cost is over $25,000. Once you have finished construction, we will inspect the footpaths. If there is no damage, we will refund the deposit in full.
- Development contributions: This is a payment towards the capital cost of providing essential community facilities such as open space and car parking.
For more information, see our Fees & Charges Schedule.
How to pay
If submitting your application online, you will be issued a fee notification for payment. You can pay online once you receive your notice.
If submitting your application in person, you will be asked to pay your fee on the spot.
If submitting by mail, you must provide a cheque for the application fee.
Long Service Levy
This is a levy on building and construction work that cost $250,000 and above (including GST). The levy is paid by the owners of a building or construction project into a fund administered by the Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Corporation.
Payment can be processed directly with the Long Service Corporation HERE or with Council.