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Arncliffe and Banksia Local infrastructure Contributions Plan 2020 - Revision 1
The Arncliffe and Banksia Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan - Revision 1, came into effect on 10 December 2020. This plan applies exclusively to the areas of Arncliffe and the Banksia Priority Precincts.
Arncliffe and Banksia Local infrastructure Contributions Plan 2020 - Revision 1
What is it?
The Arncliffe and Banksia Precinct is located 12 kilometres south of the Sydney CBD and to the west of Sydney Airport. It is identified as a priority growth area in the Greater Sydney Commission’s Eastern City District Plan. The importance of the Precinct adjoining the southern portion of the Global Economic Corridor, presents a unique opportunity for renewal and a coordinated Plan. The Precinct will provide new homes and jobs located close to transport and social infrastructure such as open space.
This plan supersedes the Arncliffe and Banksia Local Infrastructure Contribution Plan 2020 which came into effect on 26 August 2020 and also supersedes the Rockdale Section 94 Development Contributions Plan 2004. The Rockdale Section 94 Development Contributions Plan 2004 will no longer apply to the subject area for future Section 7.11 conditions on a development consent or a complying development certificate.