Completing your forms

You will need to complete and submit several forms with your application.

How you will lodge your application

You may need to complete different forms depending on how you intend to lodge your application.

If you are lodging online:

If you are lodging in person:

All development application, certification and engineering forms can be found on this page.

Complying development application - online

You must submit:

If you are unsure which forms you should complete, seek some advice.

Development Application (DA) for local development requiring consent - online

You must submit:

You must submit one of the following checklists:

Depending on your development, you may need to submit:

If you are unsure which forms you should complete, seek some advice.

Post-determination (after you receive development approval) - online

After you have received development consent, you may need to apply for other certificates or approvals. You may need to submit these forms along with your application:

If you are unsure which forms you should complete, seek some advice.

More information:

After you have received development consent, you may need to apply for other certificates or approvals. You may need to submit these forms along with your application:

If you are unsure which forms you should complete, seek some advice.

More information: