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Food safety inspections
We conduct food safety inspections on retail food businesses in the Bayside LGA.
Why we conduct inspections
We conduct inspections to asses whether a business is complying with their food health and safety obligations.
We routinely inspect medium and high risk food businesses. We usually inspect low risk food businesses when we receive a complaint.
Low risk businesses are those that sell only low risk packaged food
Medium risk businesses are those that sell medium and low risk food
High risk businesses are those that sell high risk food including cooked meals
What happens during an inspection
When we inspect your food business we assess:
whether you have appointed a trained Food Safety Supervisor
your employees' food safety skills and knowledge
food handling controls, including:
display and transport
the risk of cross-contamination
cleaning and sanitising, hand washing and proximity of facilities
food temperature control
pest control
premises design and construction, including issues such as
water supply
adequate and safe garbage facilities
food labelling.
Inspection fees
We charge an annual inspection fee to medium and high risk businesses.
We also charge a reinspection fee when we need to conduct a follow-up inspection.