Medium Density Housing Proposal

Bayside Council is seeking community feedback on its proposed amendments to the Bayside Local environmental Plan 2021.

The proposed changes are part of Council’s efforts to meet the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure’s requirement to update housing controls in line with the Local Housing Strategy.

The proposed changes seek to increase the maximum Floor Space Ratio (FSR) from 0.6:1 to 0.7:1, and introduce a new provision stating that Clause 4.1 will not apply to the subdivision of land in Zone R3 on which the erection of Multi-Dwelling Housing or attached dwelling have been approved or proposed.

The proposed amendments are expected to deliver capacity for hundreds of new dwellings within the Bayside LGA and contribute to the delivery of State and Commonwealth Government commitments under the National Housing Accord.

The proposal is now on public exhibition until Monday 11 November and the community is invited to provide feedback.

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