This month we commemorate ANZAC Day which marks the anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli, and we remember those who fought for our freedom.

I am proud Council is continuing to support all our RSL Clubs and Sub-Branches to help ensure future generations never forget the courage, self-sacrifice, and compassion of our original ANZACs.

Bayside’s ANZAC commemorations include a pre-ANZAC March from Mascot Library to Mascot Memorial Park, Mascot on Sunday 21 April.

An ANZAC Day Dawn Service hosted by Botany RSL sub-branch and Bayside Council will be held at Booralee Park on Thursday 25 April.

This service at Booralee Park, Botany starts at 6am and will include a Memorial and Wreath Laying Service and Cenotaph Ceremony.

A full list of ANZAC Day services in Bayside can be found on Council’s website, and I hope you will be able to attend one of these services in your area.

Council is also holding a candlelight vigil at our Reflection Garden in Mutch Park on Tuesday 30 April to remember all those who have suffered from family and domestic violence.

This beautiful garden, which opened last year, offers a quiet reflective space to honour survivors of family and domestic violence.

You're all invited to join a candlelight vigil of quiet reflection and plant a heart to remember those loved and lost.

Finally, I am very excited to report that Barton Park will officially open to the public on Saturday 4 May. We have an exciting opening day planned and I hope to see you there.

As always, if I can assist you with any Council matter, please contact my office at

Councillor Bill Saravinovski



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