I would like to thank everyone, especially the children from local schools, who attended the guided tour through our native bush tucker garden in Sir Joseph Banks Park as we marked National Reconciliation Week.

National Reconciliation Week which runs from 27 May to 3 June every year is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories and contribute towards reconciliation in Australia.

Two key projects, funded by the Transport for NSW Safer Cities ‘Her Way’ program, designed to improve community safety around Mascot and Rockdale train stations are nearing completion.

Council is keen to get your feedback on the improvements and will be holding several ‘Walkshops’ at the two sites where you will be able to provide feedback directly to Council staff.

Several other projects are also open for feedback and Council is looking for community input.

A concept plan for the renewal of Booralee Park will provide exciting play equipment for young children and a fitness station for all levels of fitness.

As well as the Riverine Park Masterplan we also have 3 big environment strategies open for feedback. These are our draft Urban Forest Strategy, Sustainable Waste Management Strategy, and Environment and Resilience Strategy.

Your participation and feedback on these projects and strategies will help ensure Council continues to meet community expectations.

Finally, if I can assist you with any Council matter, please contact my office at mayor@bayside.nsw.gov.au.

Councillor Bill Saravinovski


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